Pinconning & Linwood Area Chamber of Commerce

Our Mission

The PLACC is organized to encourage, promote and foster civic, economic and social activities among its members and the citizens of our communities.

Membership Area:

The PLACC serves the cities and villages of Northern Bay County including the townships of Fraser, Garfield, Gibson, Kawkawlin, Mount Forest, and Pinconning. It is the same geographical coverage as the Pinconning Area School District and includes Estey, Rhodes, and Bentley.

Click Here: Membership Form


Contact Information
P.O. Box 856 Pinconning, MI. 48650-0856
989-879-2816 voice mail   – Facebook: Pinconning Linwood Area Chamber of Commerce


Board Members 2024



All Officers & Trustees serving on the Pinconning & Linwood Area Chamber of Commerce Board are volunteers.